Having a dog takes a lot of responsibility and of course cost with food, care and the occasional vet emergency. It can also be a good addition to your health regimen for as we all know, jogging and even walking has the benefit of getting your heart into shape. The daily walks required by dogs for exercise can be turned into a workout on its own and why not benefit from the pooch while he gets his daily dose. Bigger dogs require more exercise for their bodies like ours have specific muscles that atrophy when not used. Good muscle tone defines a good dog from a sickly one as the workout they receive during the exercise regimen mimics what their wild ancestors have done naturally.
We are partly to blame for the state some dogs are in which usually comes down to this, an obese owner normally has an obese pet. Walking is one of the most simple yet beneficial exercise for it does not strain you too much enough to wear you out, important of you have underlying health issues. The exercise also results in a happy perky dog that is full of energy and nice to have around and it also allows you to do some dog training in the process, forming bonds that cannot be achieved through a lazy lifestyle.
Originally posted on February 27, 2009 @ 7:13 pm