If you are hosting parties or gatherings at home during the holidays, the chances are that you will be spending a lot of time in the kitchen. This could be both a good thing and a bad thing. The good part is that you will have more control over what you serve. You can choose healthier food which will help you – and your guests – maintain a healthier lifestyle during the holidays. On the other hand, spending a lot of time in the kitchen can be a bad thing if you keep on tasting what you are preparing. So this is my suggestion – avoid eating while cooking. It is, of course, necessary that you taste you concoctions to make sure that they are perfect. However, do not go beyond the mere tasting – these little things have a way of piling up!
Another concern would be related to your hectic schedule during the holidays. With all the gift buying and preparations that you are involved in, you might not have time to live a normal day. As such, you may be tempted to forego regular meals during this period (at least before the big day) and just go out and eat fast food all the time. Though it may be convenient, avoid doing this – a week’s worth of fast food is so detrimental to weight loss. If I were you, I’d take some time out to prepare healthier meals even if I had so much to do.
Have a healthy Christmas!
Originally posted on December 23, 2007 @ 9:10 am