At this point, most everyone I know is a bit paranoid about the swine flu. Even the slightest sign of the sniffles gets some of my friends alarmed. And why not? With even the Center for Disease Control saying that there might be more than 100,000 cases of swine flu all over the country, it is but understandable that people would be quite cautious. But this is what the experts say: there is nothing like good hygiene to keep you safe from the outbreak.
You see, as this strain of the flu is very new, there really is no vaccine against it. Even if you had the flu shots earlier this year or last year, it really is not a defense against swine flu. So here are some tips to keep it at bay:
*Be aware. If you know that there are swine flu cases in your area, then you can take the necessary precautions.
*Wash your hands often. The best way to go would be to use good old fashioned soap and water. If you are on the go a lot and you do not have access to water and soap all the time, carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with you AND use it often.
*Avoid or minimize contact with sick people. Whether they have swine flu or not, you do not want to take the risk. Coming down with some other bug is sure to weaken your immune system and you do not want that happening right now.
Originally posted on May 20, 2009 @ 3:20 am