You already probably know that many cases of back pain are not treatable. That is, even if you go to the doctor, some cases just cannot be “healed.” They normally go away on their own or you have to take pain killers till they go away. So what is the best medicine to take when your back is killing you? I personally take Tylenol most of the time. However, I read that taking too much of it can cause liver damage. Maybe it’s about time to look at other options?
An article from Spine Health provides insight on this matter:
Half of back pain sufferers reach for Advil or Aleve for relief, according to a poll conducted by, a leading Web site for those with back problems.
Ibuprofen in general (Advil, Motrin and Nuprin combined) accounted for 39% of the responses. 26% of the respondents said Advil (ibuprofen) is their first choice for OTC pain relief, while 24% selected Aleve (naproxen). Tylenol (acetaminophen) was chosen by 11%, and aspirin was selected by 5%. “Other” accounted for 15% and responses ranged from various prescription drugs to no alternative specified.
It seems that I am part of the minority here. I have tried naproxen before – the generic kind – and from what I recall, it worked well. Perhaps I should try that next time I have a back pain episode.
How about you, what medication works best for your pain?
Photo courtesy of Billie
Originally posted on June 21, 2008 @ 12:54 am